It was a warm summer night, my first time in a fortune country
the perfect time for firsts
it was my first time experiencing the green and when I inhaled, a thick nasty taste snaked down my throat
one coughing fit later and I was somewhere else entirely
me, a depressed young woman, I had never been so happy
Him and 2 others took me for a ride around town
convertible, black top down
wind wipping through my hair hands up in the air
music blasting
I was out with three guys all on my own
by the time we were back home it was 2 am and I was lost feeling droopy and down
he took me to my room and I lay there staring up into the darkness wondering how long this would last
my clothes were peeled from my sticky skin slowly
kisses planted wherever my skin was emptied
the sober me would have said stop
the sober me would have said no
but I let him kiss and caress and touch my sticky chocolate brown thigh
and eventually his hands, his lips, his tongue rolled inside
then something else entirely
and after that searing flash of pain was a pleasure so good I just knew in that moment it had to be sinful
I gasped and squirmed and pushed away
he came to my face planting a sloppy kiss on my mouth
it had a terrible bitter taste
"what's the matter baby?"
he asked and an evil smile snaked over his face
terrified from my state
under the influence from that thick cloudy smoke
I curled up into the fetal position and let out a blood curdling scream.
I'd just lost it...