Please remember me
Not for the 4am arguments,
Where you told me that you were no good,
That you did not have the capacity to love
And that you were incapable of trust,
And not for the fights where you would
Stand outside my work place in tears
Over your mother,
over your brother
And not for the times when I called the police
Please remember me
As the caring, passionate lover
Who urged you to purge your self-hatred
And chase away your shadows
That have followed you from your childhood
And told you
''you're nothing''.
When you have always been something.
Please remember me,
As the woman who told you
That you are a tender person,
Who's kisses are gentle, and sweet,
And that your body, when met with mine
has the power to melt me.
And that you are worth more than the dust
That you sell your soul for,
That you deserve to be adored,
That's what I loved you for.