


you've done something 

I cound't even do myself.


I couldn't get here on my own.


I needed help,

even the smallest amount.


Anything more than none was enough,

but you were the only one who gave me

any to begin with.


In that was enough to start.


But now I see how broken I really am.

I should be thankful for what I have,

and I am.


But on the inside,

I am nothing more than 

what I was before.


I was blessed with some

life changing events.


I have purpose, yes.

A new role with a title. 


But I am still me on the inside.

I haven't had any help since I left.


My issues still remain,

and they went unchecked for so long.


I kept it in and hid it,

I had no-one to listen.


And as I speak for the first time

in so long,

I can see all the issues that never left.


They were still inside of me.

buried deep,

inside of my vault.


And as they come out,

I see I am still as broken

as I ever was.

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