You and Me


Eww you fat pig

that's disgusting

how could you put that in your mouth

how could you commit such a crime

how could you do that to me

I'm your friend

I'm what gets you through each day

I help you coe

I help you live

I set you free

I'm your way to numb the pain

Others have hurt you

but not me

I am not an illness

and there's nothing wrong with you

you're not sick

so stop listening to them

your not perfect yet, but you will be

you'll be perfect if you follow me

follow me and food will be your enemy

as it should be

don't worry about what others say

they're wrong

they don't know about me

and they don't understand you like I do

nobody does

they won't be there for you like I am

they won't love you as much as I do

I will love you when you look like a skeleton

can you say the same for them

they will say they do

but they are all lying because what they're really thinking is

oh my god we need to save her

but we don't need them anymore

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