Stop comin by 2 fuck me
woulden't want 2 make another baby...
"hes mine...he aint mine"
you remind me of these doubts
all the time...
you didn't say that when you fucked
between my thighs watering my egg with his seed...
why run scared of the responsabilty...
what ifs died along time ago...
plenty of blood test exist...
you choose 2 confuse yourself...
your're 26 act like it...
stop being childish...
you're his farther...
stop acusin me of falsh allagation...
I haven't fucked other men...
I'm not useing you for nuthin...
you havent gave our son anything...
what have I gained from supposely liein...
Aint like I'v been helped with raisen our son...
I been doing it by myself for 6mos
you're turn 2 step up 2 the plate...
when u gonna do that...
when its 2 late
act 26 & help raise what you made CoOn