~*I'm Broken Without My Little Guy~*


October 24,2007~*

Outside sunny skies lingers...
Within its storming grey clouds,
raindrops are fallen on my soul!
I'm cold...
Desiring a brighter day praying,
my son'll be ok.
It breaks my heart he's going
through so much torture...
Hopefully it gets no worser.
He's innocent pure like snow!
Undeserving of this pain...
You know?
Every night sense July i've cried!
Why would someone harm my little guy?
He's my light...
Without him my worlds collapsed inside...
I miss his kisses goodnight!

Images of his smiles are wasting
away in my mind...
He kept me happier than a bottle of wine.
I feel hopeless & empty like my souls
been depleted of heart beats...
I cant breath with our family being torn
apart & incomplete...
My emotions are running deep!
I want this misery erased from me
God please....
They've already stolen my daughter from me!
I'm so lonely...
Waiting for the day he'll return home.
Can't you feel me fading mentally?
I'm pleading for a healing in my life...
He’s my sunshine!
I'm trying to be strong but he was my strength ,
I need him to survive.
I'm feeling weak & Broken Without My Little Guy


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