Over you

I met you almost three years ago parts

of you is still a stranger too me

You where everything

I didn't think shit would turn out this way

My sons farther is all you are

I've provided for his needs

I'm all he knows his mother is all he See's

I can't believe the hell you put me through

Nigga's saying they real yet they heart's

beating fake

I loved you unconditionally

I was stingy not sharing myself with others

I thought i was all yours

You shared yourself with me but see

you was already someone else's

you belonged to her i didn't know

I held a baby in my womb who's farther was

a loser

You treated me like a red headed step child

no different then a bitch on the streets

you smashed my feelings my emotions are dead

You seem surprised that i put up a brick wall

to shield my heart from harm

My mistake for letting you inside my life

You threw my soul down a bloody sea for

the sharks to eat never again will i where

your abuse

I refuse to be used

I wish you would get over me like i've gotten

over you

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