The Sun...sinks.
From the growing Twilight...
We Emerge.
Our life once
limited to the
span of human
Normality. the need...
by the Lust...of Our Sires,
We now stand Immortal
at the threshold of Night.
Moonlight...firing our Spirits,
The sweet savor of Life-blood
Awakens Our Hunger.
Hunters...stalking the Night...
not out of Malice...but out
of Need.
Need that causes our teeth
to sharpen...need that gives
The Crimson Tongue.
Red Life spilling down Our
throats...the Prey in ecstacy
from the Kiss...
Never knowing it is the last...
Save that We choose to Sire...
To create.
And in creating the Sire
becomes also the Dam...
Within the Dam the need
is Born...
and becomes anew...
The Lust we sought
to begin once more,
The Cycle.