At the End of the Day...
The Sun begins its descent.
Sinking so slowly down towards
the horizon.
As it sinks, the Earth changes...
the sky, changes also...ground
cooling, moisture...rising
sky...darkening...from sky blue...
through lavender blue through
rose on the horizon...interfacing...
with purple blue Now.
As the green of grass and shrub...
slowly, so slowly...fades...greying
out...of your vision...out of your
Mind...till all that's left is greyscale
Mist rising...from
the earth, to cover the green...
to cover your mind...pulling you...
attracting you...further...inward...
as the sky darkens denim blue...
to navy deeep...indigo....
And the Earth calls you...the sky
calls you...the Stars call
they rise...To make the journey...
the longest voyage...
HERE...deep Within...deep Inside...
within your Being where Knowledge set you free, that you may
fly...out of your Self, into the
Night...that calls you...into the which you
deeply surrender...
As trance can take you...
so fast sometimes...
you never know
what has hit you...
except the Dream...
the deepest Dream...
a dream more profound...
with each passing moment...
Or so very slowly...
like half-frozen mercury...
creeping tight and compelling...
until the depth is a part of you...
yet apart from deep within...
and yet without...
moonlight...on the water...
winking...up at you...reflections....
of the depths of your Mind.
For and now, there is only...
the moonlight...the magic...
taking deeply...
into the Control...of the Night.
Control that makes you ache
to the core of your being...
so poignant is it...
and so exciting...
as your mind becomes aroused...
by the idea of the Dream...
so deep within you...
deeper and deeper it takes you...
inside yourself...
Until there are only My words...
your Mind...the excitement...
the moonlight...and the NightLust...
coming from the depths of your soul.
Lust so intense...and so pure...
that nothing matters now...
but its source...which is your Mind...
and soul...responding to My words...
so deep in your heart.
And every word I speak...
takes you deeper and deeper...
into the depths of the Lustful dream...
into the blackest Heart...of the Night.
I am the Dream-bearer...rider of
NightMare of Lust...bearing you
onward...deep inside...the core
of the Night...out of your Control...
and into My Own.
Until My Voice...and the Dream of all you know...
deeply within...your mind aching...
your body calling...for the Touch...
for the Control...for the NightCore
to take!
Never to return...
to daylight dreaming...
pale in comparison...
to NightMane's Horseman.
NightLust takes you...
your mind must answer...
your BODY must answer...
the deep arousal...My every
Word...taking you deeper...
into the depths...
of the deep Night.
Answer that Lust Now...
dreaming profoundly...
your Mind and soul...
controlled by the Night.
Remembering, to forget...
all confusion of daylight hours...
forgetting, to remember...
lack of Lust...lack of Life.
For without Lust,
Life is nothing...
core of Creation,
Heart of the Night.
When NightLust is spoken...
your Mind will Answer...
your body will answer...
and so will your Soul.
NightMare Commanding...
your Will shall vanish...
as you Surrender To the Night.
I have touched cannot
forget that...and now I will wake
you...refreshed but longing...
To ride with the
feel the Control...of the Heart
of the Night...surrounding your soul.
NightRide ends now...wake!