Withered and fallen, full of sorrow
Bare Stripped of glory
Essential warmth turned to stone, the leaves brown and crumpled
Sharply inhaling trying to break the icy calm invading the soul
A mystical calm swirling around the words hanging over the door
Temptress seducing the innocence from the spring dawn, darkness
Hands tightly wrapped around life’s essence, smothering
Fires raging across the baron land, murdering all it touches
Moonlight caressing the hatred, soothing
Severed threads
Thundering with power, rains pounding the stitching into place
Voodoo dancers asking for hell to close its gates, and release
Running without direction, wall after wall, falling into despair
With a voice meek and frightened, begging for mercy
Leaning over the edge, seeing the impending doom that awaits
Withered and Fallen …