
Writen by Nestor Jose Rodriguez and Salvador Aldama Mendivila

These story begins short after the coyote eats the first animal, some of the leftovers are found in the forest by other animals, which were attracted to it and when these animals tasted the meat, they became addicted to it, the birds who tried the meat transformed into eagles and crows.

Some of the meat fall in the water and the fishes that taste it transformed into sharks and killer whales. When the bigger animals saw the killing between his brothers and sisters, they asked the gods to intervene and stop the massacre but the gods didn’t answer their prayers, so the animals were left to solve their own problems that they have created by their own.


 Then the small animals decided to make groups to defend themselves, this worked at first but as time passed the same groups started to notice that there wasn’t enough food for all of them, the hunger was so bad and there was barely any food that some of theme started to eat the decomposed bodies of their deceased partners, these animals, who eat the decomposed bodies of his brothers and sisters, became the hyenas and the vultures. When the food ran out the groups of animals started to move to another location where there was food for everyone but in these trips the carnivorous attacked the groups and the wars began were the herbivorous  killed to defend themselves and the carnivorous for food, these wars make the gods so angry that they created a new being who was both a herbivores and a carnivorous, these new being will be a punishment for all the animals, these new being didn’t have any claws or fangs instead he used rocks and sticks to create weapons and traps, and not even the biggest of the animals were not safe of these new being. When these being finished to punish the animals the gods order him to separate the animals in a way that would be balance in the world. He separated the animals in a way that there was a balance between them where they could live learning from their environment knowing where to hide and seek for food, he kept the animals who were more loyal and useful for him like the dogs, and the horses and exiled the rest of them to the most wild and dangerous forests with these he marked the ending of the old era and the start of a new balance world and the gods saw all of this and they knew that the world would never be the same ever again. And the moral of the story is to follow the rules they are made for a reason

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