Blue Ribbon in Louisiana

The Drabble Ditch

Blue Ribbon in Louisiana


Window panes pecked

Paint chipped, shingles sagged

Green and yellow spindle and wood

Reptilian stealth and greedy claws

Guards porcelain innocence young

Crystal cold drinks and thumping sun.

There's a local boy in the heat,

Dried grass and Grandpa's shirts, he works.

Curly top sits in her Manor,

With twists and a blue ribbon frame

white cotton trip and rosy-pink punctuation

Playground raking the grass

Small-town Romeo, her darling

and his tricks of the trade

his eye for a bite,

head full of jaw terrors and scars

Papa comes home at dusk,

when the guards turn docile and tired.

Have a drink and a swing and a paddle,

and a little' lady's lips to whisk your dreams wild. 

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