Just the way you are...

I smile when I see your face,

like the sunlight that scares off the darkness,

like water that quenches the dryest thirst,

and a breeze that softens the warmest days.


I feel at ease in your presence,

when life feels too unbearable,

when pain was all I thought I had,

and confusion forced its ways into my thoughts.


I feel alive when we are together,

when we hold hands and feel each others warmth,

when we lay together in silence,

and just like a kid running through an open field.


I see the future in your eyes,

the possbilities of endlessness,

the thoughts of forever in your arms,

and new beginnings together...


All of this I see and feel,

because its who we are,

because its who I am,

and its just the way you are...

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