
Adorned in Black Lace, She sits alone,
All, to her cruelties are prone.
Death is the sentence of one glace,
Not giving a giving a single soul one chance.
In her presence, the sun shines darkness and blood is what rains.
She roams the earth, on people's lives she leaves stains.
A pale face is shown,
From terror it has grown.
Pale and lifeless it stares you down,
Behind the death is found a pur white gown.
She murdered the wearer and washed it in blood,
Concealing her face behind a wall of seeming mud.
She strikes you with terror and a sword,
Killing you and making you bow to her as lord.
Escape is impossible and risky.
but death without a fight is unreasonable,
you run day, week, month and season.
She hunts you down
and like that pure white gown
She washes your innosence in blood that rains
and because of her your life is forever stained.

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