As i take these last few steps,
I see my life slowly flash before my eyes.
I walk closer to the edge and see the rocky surface below.
I take the last look i'll take with these living eyes,
and hope that when i fall no one cries.
I step closer and closer,
I stop at that last step and think "is this what i want?"
I think of the one i love.
I will mention not her name,
for if she reads this, i know not of how she feels about me.
she may put me to shame
or it may hurt her too much to read.
I think of all my friends,
the people I put my trust in.
I hear voices and I ignore them,
believing they are in my head.
I see the rocky surface,
so welcoming it seems to me.
I hear those voices again,
my foot still floating in mid-air,
contemplating whether to drop or not,
I step forward and stop,
not of my own free will,
but that of my friends,
my family,
of the one i love...
that one that loves me.
I tell everyone to stay away.
I can hear their tears dropping to the earth,
like falling stones.
Instead of taking that plunge,
I take a step back, turn around,
and walk with the one that care,
the ones i care about.