Mi father's "filipina" shrits

If you claim to be someone who is personally acquainted with my father, you surely have noticed something very peculiar in his daily appearance. He always wears  “Filipina” shirts, regardless of what he is doing. Some of his patients seem to notice the trend and ask him about it. It is very probably that he sleeps with his favorite shirts instead of wearing pajamas. What is even more amazing is that they are always perfectly ironed and neat. His shirts come in styles and colors, and he gets furious when he can´t find one that fits his desire. Taking into consideration that my father is a doctor, it would be logical to think that he always wears a white lab coat, just like most doctors. However, he always uses this kind of shirts. The only situations in which he breaks his fashion trend are when he has to go to a party, dinner, ranch, or when he has to do a surgery and is forced to wear the required clothing. It wouldn´t be surprising to find out that he tried to sterilize his shirts to perform surgery with them on. I must confess I have never asked my father why he always uses that type of shirts. However, I sometimes make fun of him by telling him he does it to avoid using white coats all day. Maybe he wears them, because they are his unique version of the doctor´s lab coat, maybe he wants to set a fad, maybe he feels powerful, maybe he uses them as his lucky charm, or maybe he simply considers they are comfortable to wear. One might say the last explanation is the most logical. However, for me it is the most ridiculous, considering the high temperatures we experience in Tabasco year-long. At the same time, these shirts define him perfectly. When one sees him, one can see into him and find a dedicated, organized, peaceful, perseverant, calm, wise, and working man. At least this is what I think when I see him. My dad is a great father, but he is also a fantastic doctor. Now that I reflect on his life, my dad´s addiction to these shirts is not due to what I previously mentioned. Maybe these shirts are nothing more than his life symbol, a life devoted to medicine, to his patients, to hospital life. My father works all day, non-stop. He is always working, either in the clinic, performing surgery, or solving legal issues with insurance companies. The “Filipina” shirts have become his allies at work.

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