A peaceful beginning

A peaceful beginning

At the beginning, it was all light. The empty space was so vast, all white and luminous, and there was not a sound, not a movement, not a color. The only habitants of the universe were gods, they all so separated from each other that they almost never meet.

They felt alone. One day, they had an important meeting in the center of this brilliant, empty universe, and they decided to create something new; something great, valuable and full of happiness that would keep them from feeling lonely.

The gods came really close to each other and with their almost immaterial bodies they created the very first thing on this new universe, a shadow. They took the shadow and expanded it, molded it, and they created the darkness, the matter, the planets, the stars, the sun.

With another portion of this useful mass they create the earth and the water. They also created plants that were product of their now excited imagination. Even so, this whole new universe felt alone.

“We need some thinking beings like us” said one of the gods “plants are ok but they can’t communicate or create relationships”.

The other gods totally agreed with him and decided to continue with this hard work.

One god went to the sea and took with his hands some water. Drop by drop, he created the fishes, some big, some small, some colorful, some gray. The fishes went to the ocean and swam free by centuries and centuries. The god took the form of a whale, and he felt alone no more.

The other god, then, went to the sky and took two big clouds. With them he molded creatures with wings. Those creatures flied free trough the skies by centuries and centuries. The god took the form of an eagle, and he felt alone no more.

Another god went down to the earth. With grass and mood, he molded and formed the animals that were going to walk on land. They were free and they walked by centuries and centuries. The god took the form of a lion, and he felt alone no more.

The gods were so happy with this new universe, they were careless with the remaining material of the shadows they used, and it created by his own a new animal that no one of them had imagined.

The Dragon was neither an earth animal nor a flying animal and not even a swimming animal, he could do all of those things and he was wandering around creating mess among this three habitats.

The gods realized the dragon were terrorizing the other animals of the earth and decided to confront him. But after that, they talked with the animals each one created and convinced them to help them to fight against the dragon.

Each habitat, then, tried by their own, but all of them failed.

Only in the moment they decided to fight together against him, they were able to destroy the dragon.

After this battle, the three habitats decided to work always together, in order to have a beautiful world, full of peace and happiness.

After they completed this hard work, knowing their animals would surely make it through, the gods decided to take a break; they stayed in the sky, reflected in the constellations formed by the stars.

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