Pinto Bean Head

The Intelligence officer had said;
You're a Pinto Bean head!
I then had wonders of them saying this  
What does it mean, when you are a Pinto Bean Head?
I am really trying to figure it out
  so, I am looking it up
With an original IQ oh so smart!
However, I am not having much luck on the subject
It must be Top Secret information
..reality check, ya!
guessing Pinto Bean head was made up by yourself
say` you are what you eat

Shut the Hell up, Pinto Bean Head! is was, what I heard next
They must think someone is cooked
I know that they are not talking about me, are they?
If so I say can it and pee yew to too you yours truly

cause Damn that's stinky acting  

The intelligence officer was then trying to be a real Macho man
  as he doesn't get it that often
...that is sexy enough for both of us
yet, I feel sorry for him as I know he is just a pussy monger

and, I know better

However yet, intelligence officer there is no need to get ovely hotheaded

Because, believe it or not I do have all your answers

as Pinto Bean head can really piss you off
        when they fart on you in public

Though, no worries I am Lady and I wouldn't do that in front of anyone

; ) winky, winky

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