The Love, Love, Love, Love, Love!

They say` That Love is hard to find not, to hurry

...and Money can't buy you Love

Yet, Love can cost you everything

Love can be blind with the beauty being within the eye of the beholder

...and why do fools fall in Love?

Really, now, eh as I asked myself, never

Here in our Heartland of America thankfully, Love is more powerful 

...and hate can be found everywhere

However, because of Love it's true that Good does conquers all Evil


They say; that the best Church can be found in your heart

...and Lord have mercy on us all as I need Love, too

For crying out loud let us get to the heart of the matter

Love can be very special so, do handle carefully with caution 

....and Home is where the heart is tis the Law is NO Breaking and Entering!

Always remember please too also Love thy, neighbor...

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