I am Catholic

Rebellious Poems

Why do you hate the Catholic?

It it because of our abundant riches?

Why do you hate the Catholic?

Is it because of our belifes in god?

Why do you hate the Catholic?

Or is it that your afraid of us?!




Fear the Catholic!

Because they feed the poor and hungry

Fear the Catholic!

Because they denounce the truths of oppression held by your world leaders

Fear the Catholic!

Because their morals are of too high standard for those with wild lives

Fear the Catholic!


Because we search for peace among religions and among nations



Because we



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I already know that much controversy will come from this poem. If wish to know the teason why then I'll explain. This poem is a protest to the hatred againts my church--The Catholic Church--and truth of what the church acually dose. Despite the terrible things the catholic church has done, you must remember that is devine but made of mortal men. Therefore, one cannot catagorize a group or community because of the actions of a couple people, the same applies for the Islamic religion where we cannot atomatically see everyone as terrorist because their not! I as a Catholic actively persue a peace between religions and hope others whether catholic or not do the same.

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