I have one question.
It may be the answer to everything.
It may not be.
But perhaps it will set my untamed soul at ease.
You were never an easy person to figure out.
You’re always hidden behind cryptic messages
-words I cannot read.
I find it hard to believe you’re as
as you say.
With features bright as light,
you perfectly mask them to be
dark as night.
You look down to evil
and desire its traits.
Scan my body and pick out a scar.
When I think of what kind of a person
could bring me this low
I think of how evil you really are.
Loneliness is the game you play
except you’ll never win.
You lack actual depression from within.
You have everything you could ever want.
You have every reason to be happy.
So I have to ask
Why do you need me?