

Is it wrong that it feels so good,

that i feel no pain, not a thing,

the cold, shiny, metalic blade,

pressed strongly, with force,

upon my skin,

why cant i stop, why cant i win,

at something that seems,

like it will never end,

going on for years,

as it already has,

and still not even a tear,

praying one day, or even now,

possibly tomorrow, God will take me away,

sorrow, is all i have left,

hope, it is what i lack,

pain, the pleasure of it all,

love, the greatest for all,

hate, it never seems to end,

little by little, i am falling apart,

regressing to a black hole,

being taken in,

mind, body, and soul,

one day, one day, i can live free,

without the pain, without the hate,

finding hope, that has found me,

knowing that love is there,

all i ask, and i hope it is not to much,

that someone will care,

and not forget about me.

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