2:12 a.m.


there are these nights,

where i stay up 'til dawn,

there are no lights, pitch black,

dozen times i yawn,

thinking about where i have been,

troubles that i have encountered,

places that i have traveled to,

but, nothing can compare,

when i have those nights to think,

and have little time to myself,

putting aside everyone but me,

taking time to think about,

what i need to change,

what i need to do,

of how i need to improve myself,

for life in general, for others,

but most importantly,

to make myself happy with who i am,

trying to be something i am not,

making sure i dont lie, cheat,

or do something stupid,

even though i know, i am only human,

having my flaws, so many races in life,

with so many unsatisfying draws,

it will always be a struggle,

but no matter what,

things will work out for the best,

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