Impure Self


my life is not perfect,

no where near great,

at every corner,

lies a massive mistake,

decisions, decisions, decisions,

will give you a remarkable,

or regretable reputation,

trying to survive,

in this world of hate,

or love?

or happiness?

or bliss?

what is all of this,

words of one person,

that usually means nothing,

ignored and passed off,

it will make no difference,

struggling to keep everyone happy,

especially the ones near and dear,

that are close at heart,

but have the feeling of wanting to depart,

the feeling in the stomach,

when you know something is wrong,

that cant be fixed,

cant be helped,

the lonely feeling,

of something missing,

someone missing,

cant be saved life is lost,

but what has been done,

cant be taken back,

its a part of life,

part of nature,

everything is just so impure,

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