It's Bittersweet



She puts a bowl down on the table in front of him, rice and veggies with a splash of soy sauce and sesame oil. He marvels that the simplest of foods are somehow transformed into delicious satisfying meals when prepared by her.

"Do you ever eat?"

She pulls out a chair, sits down with a cup of tea. "Sometimes."

"I've been here how long now, like a month and I've never seen you eat. You only ever cook for me."

She grins, blows on the tea, takes a sip. "I eat oranges... and chocolate." 

He contemplates the bowl of food, moves the spoon around a bit. "I'm feelin like I need to go find out what happened to my sister."

"I know."

"I don't want to leave."

"I know."

"I think I'm in love with you."

"I know." With a magical flourish of her hand she produces a thick chunk of dark chocolate, holds it out to him with a wink and a smile "It's bittersweet".

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