in time

old poems

I know you don't want me,

but can you just let me?

I can't just walk away from you;

Been there, done that,

It always seem to come back to you.

Maybe in time,

I'll see you in my arms.

But for now,

Let's just do our part.

After all,

timing is everything in this game.

Just because you don't want me,

Doesn't mean I can't.

Just because you won't love me,

Doesn't mean I can't love you.

Maybe in time,

I'll see you in my arms,

But for now,

Let's just do our part.

After all,

timing is everything in this game.

I can't help to see,

How much you mean to me.

At least I know, we share this common bond,

that you're probably gonna be the one.

But what do I know,

I'm just a guy in love.

Maybe in time,

I'll see you in my arms.

But for now,

Let's just do our part.

After all,

timing is everything in this game.

This is just another sappy love poem.

So just read it one last time,

and see what you think.

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