*it'll be okay

i want to make you happy from now on,

hold you tight in my arms while you fall asleep.

it's all better now baby, just go to sleep.

when you wake,

i'll be right by your side,

kiss you on the cheek

and say everything's all right.

i'm not lying baby, it'll be okay.

even if i have to burn down everything

to show you the way,

it'll be okay,

i'm here for you, it's okay,

yeah baby it is.

just you and me,

the way I want it to be.

it'll be all right

I promise I swear

just please believe me.

three years from now we'll go far away on our own,

have a big house on the beach,

and everything you dreamed of.

it'll be good, yeah it will.

i want to stick by your side,

whatever you do or wherever you go,

you'll always be on my mind

and the number one girl in my life,

no doubt about it.

i love you lauren,

and don't you ever forget that.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

about lauren!

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