to my best friend,with love

When I am sad, It is you I come to

when my sky looks grey.And in a matter

of minutes my rainbow soon appears.

When I am in tears, It is your shoulder

I use to cry on. And shortly after you

hand me a tissue to wipe them away.

When I am blue, It is you I go to

for comforting.And in time you help

me remember what smiling feels like.

When I am happy, It is you I go to to

help me rejoice.And there the laughter

begins and seems everlasting.

When I am in need, It is your friendship

that helps me overcome those

challenging obstacles. It is you who

keeps me alive with your warmth,

your understanding, your comfort and

most importantly your love. These are

the qualities I look forwhen I am in

search of you, A True Friend!

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