Independence Day

Today we celebrate

our independence day

with parades and

firework displays

while most never give

a single thought

to all of the people

whom have fought,

fought for our freedom

simply without a care

for the harm that may come

from doing what they dare

For their lives they will gladly

give if that's what it takes

to keep the war far from

home for the peoples sake.

Never do we question

their reasons why

They do it for love.

They do it for pride.

They stand tall,

all through the night

ready and willing

to put up a fight.

not ever giving

a second thought

to the respect he gives

to those whom have fought

knowing their duty

and carrying it thru

for only that of the

red, white, and blue

So today as we celebrate

our independence day

Give thanks to those

who are far away,

to those who have died

and to those whom have lived

for the freedom

they cared to give

to those who are home

training for war

and to those who

are walking out the door

thank you for the life

you are willing to end

thank you for caring

you are a great friend.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this for a friend who's in the US Navy whom felt that the true spirit behind our Independence Day is slowly being lost as the years go by

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