We were friends!


Time for us to say goodbye,

so smile and dry your eyes!

We've only known each other

for a short period of time

but it seems like forever.

We shall remember each other

for a long time and we will

recall all of the good times,

laugh at our happy memories,

frown at the miserable ones.

But when it all boils down

it comes to one important point:

Once upon a time we were friends!

We may not have been the best of friends

or even just really good friends,

we may not have known each otehr

for that long of a time period,

but in the end we were friends!

Now you are off to find...

new people and new friends!

Time for us to go on;

however we shall remember

the past thru our memories,

And prepare ourselves for the future!

Yeah we may lose touch,

but we will never forget;

because we were friends!

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