The Hymen Resurrection (Project)

Blank days?
These will bleed into an eternal emptiness,
Vast and undefined,
Like the look in your eyes.
No stars,
They're erased like you.
Nothing begs me to ask anymore
What I am too terrified to know.
Is it a good deal?
The inability to remember whatever ever mattered?
Relentless, abysmal months replace relentless abysmal months,
And I'm red with impeccably shitty timing.
Is it good for the nothing I already thanked you for?
Oh, I get it now.
His eyes are just mirrors.
His eyes are just mirrors.
And your face is just a fucking lake,
So go ahead and thank the moon,
Before you're oblivious to that, too.
Then be as blank as numbers with no value,
Just a series of symbols that symbolize nothing,
Like the letters that make up your words.

We will always go through this.

Happy Birthday

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