Your Words Are Just Words

A smile can be a disguise
Of the fears that flood your eyes.
Don't want anyone to see
whats beneath the facade that i wear over me.
I only want you to believe what I let you see about me.
Don't want to let anyone too far in
For the fear of losing the power
within me, you see,
People like to corrupt your mind
Try to make you believe what they want you to be
I cant let that happen to me.
Try to convince me but I will always be the real me,
though sometimes that is hard to see
through the blur of your scrutinizing eyes.
Don't want to compromise
Because your lies will always be just that, selfish lies.
Ive learned so much in my short time,
It hasn't always been easy
But thanks for letting me see what I need and don't need.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I believe that everyone comes into your life for a reason, whether its good or bad, its a learning experience. I'm slowly but surely learning different things from people in my life and it is shaping me into the person I am becoming. Sometimes you have to let people go for your sake and sometimes even their sake, depends on how you look at it.

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