My Man and My Commonlaw Mother-In Law

My man's relationship with his mother sickens me;
Many may agree or disagree.
It's like he's in love with her;
His words about her, I must endure.
For, he is so very overprotective;
He is not at all selective.
Maybe he feels guilty that once he verbally and physically abused her;
And her health is so bad, that he probably often feels he will lose her.
But, I don't have that good a relationship with my Mom;
It is often stormy; not calm.
It may be or may not be that I'm jealous;
And, perhaps I'm being negatively overzealous.
Because I have a Mom whom I do not respect;
And her words, often, I do reject.
Because she lives by the dishonest laws of her own universe;
Which will often make me curse.
I also consider her an abuser, manipulative, insane, and a loser.
She has been manipulating people all of her years;
And trying to induce in them, fear.
She won't even admit that she's a lunatic;
She is really quite pathetic.
Right now, she is pulling a con job on the government;
Because she thinks that her intelligence is more powerful than cement.
I cannot decide if I hate her or love her;
But, I definitely am above her.
For, I live my life with the best of intentions;
But, I'm extremely selfish; I should mention.
Because I have been abused so much in all of my years;
But now, I am switching gears.
No longer will I put up with peoples' crap;
Because, in my life, I don't feel a gap;
That I need anyone but my man and my kitties;
I definitely do not need old biddies.
My world will get better if I mind my own life;
And just try to be a good common-law wife.

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