In the Drunk Tank, Part 3

The drunk tank is quite an interesting change of environment;
From that of apartments which are used for retirement.
For, I'm happy to be separated from those old fools;
They are not a bunch of wise, valuable jewels.
I'm sick of living around old people;
Who live their lives praying under a steeple.
For, their heads are not filled with proof;
That God is or isn't aloof.
I feel sorry for those who pray to God;
For, they live their lives not knowing if He is a fraud.
Poeple should just believe in their own souls;
Any other decision is filled with holes.
For, in life, one needs to feel complete;
And making mistakes, one must try not to repeat.
One must not be filled with deceipt;
Or eventually, one will have to admit defeat.
For, dishonesty is no way to live life;
To be a good-hearted husband or wife.
I fear that some wouldn't know the truth if it bit them;
Even if an honesty monster came up and hit them.
The truth is very important on this Earth;
For, honesty has most valuable worth.

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