In the Drunk Tank, Part 1

Right now, I am in the fun drunk tank; and I have my common-law husband to thank.
For, I drank liquor and started a fight with his family; with which many people will disagree.
Because, his mother is very sick; for, she is involved with a bunch of country hicks.
They do not take care of her needs; for, many in her family have done bad deeds.
She is better than them all; in winter, spring, summer, and fall.
It is so sad for her to have grown up as a country bumpkin; often, one's life doesn't get better than that of a pumpkin.
Her alcoholic man doesn't take care of her; much stress in life, she must endure.
She deserves to have a better life; than being an old alcoholic's wife.
She also deserves a better family than a bunch of drunks and potheads; which are pretty much all brain-dead.
And, my man is one of those losers; but, so am I, because I am a boozer.
My man would rather be high than do any work; he can sometimes be a useless jerk.
I wonder if he would be happier without me; but, I know this to be untrue, undoubtedly.

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