About Being an Agnostic

About Religion

I looked up in the dictionary "agnostic" on google;
It made me feel quite frugal.
Because, now I know, an agnostic I am;
And that is the truth; it is not spam.
According to Webster's dictionary;
In itself the word "agnostic" to itself, seems quite contrary.
It says that there can be no proof;
That God exists, or to our thoughts, he is aloof.
I am so happy, because it solves my confusion;
About if God exists, or He is an illusion.
Now, I can have confidence in a religion;
Which really isn't routed in precision.
But, at least it describes what is truly me;
So, that I cannot disagree.
That way, it is possible for my kitty and my half-sister;
To be angels who beautifully whisper;
To keep guiding my lost soul;
Which will turn my schizophrenic halves into a whole!

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