About My Internal Conflict

About Religion

I respect religion very much; I think it has a beautiful poetic touch.
Yet, my man is an angry atheist; and at this whole world, he is pissed.
I am torn in several different directions; but, if I believe, I can have protection.
I want to believe in sweet guardian angels, because tears, I've cried; because my sweet kitty recently died.
Losing her made me change personalities; because of my schizophrenic mentality.
Over religion, I am torn; because I wasn't raised to believe anything when I was born.
In fact, my parents discouraged religion; with very decisive precision.
I know a few Christians; and I know a few atheists; and I like them all; I just can't resist.
So, I don't know what to believe; that will not certainly make me grieve.
I guess I'll just have to believe in me; for, I'm becoming the person I wan't to be!

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