
Attorneys are unconstitutional; it's almost like they're prostitutional.
For, it is extremely expensive; if you need a lawyer to be defensive.
You must pass the BAR exam so difficult; lawyers are almost part of an occult.
Ofte, one needs the law on one's side; if, from the law, one can no longer hide.
But, you may be dishonest for a lawyer to defend you; because the police will apprehend you.
Lawyers, police, and judges are very corrupt; their tempers often errupt.
I wish that people of the law did not accept bribes; that is part of their demonic sides.
For, honesty if life pays, but it does not pay well; if you're guilty, you should be in a prison cell.
Nothing like dishonesty, to my soul, sickens; it quite makes my blood boil and thicken.
It is very good to trust a jury of your peers; except if it is one that has had too many beers.
In this world, one cannot know who to trust; it is quite a matter of disgust.
If you're guilty of heinous crimes in life, you fail; and you should end up in jail.
I wish one could have faith in the justice system; for, we need to be able to look up to those with wisdom.
Unfortunately, this world is all wrong; which makes me sing an unhappy song.
That is why one must have honesty in one's heart; that is a very good place to start.

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