This is a Treat: A Book About Healthy Snacks

Children's Poetry

This is a treat; it is yellow and long;
Monkeys like to eat it, and then sing a song!

This is a treat; it is green and you can use it to make a pickle;
It can be as long as an icicle!

This is a treat; It is red, you find it in a garden, and it has lots of seeds;
It is not a weed; you put it in a salad when you have veggie needs!

This is a treat; it is small and round and grows on a vine;
Oh, it is so sweet and yummy; I want a bunch to go in my tummy!

This is a treat; it comes in a long stalk of green;
You can eat it with dip; do you know which treat I mean?

This is a treat; it is orange, round, and has a peel;
Be careful; it may roll off of your plate like a wheel!

This is a treat; it is long and orange; if you eat it now and don't wait,
It will improve your eyesight; isn't that great?

This is a treat, and here is the truth; you must put sweetener in its juice if you have a sweet tooth;
Never eat it by itself; it is yellow and sour; every minute and every hour.

This is a treat; it is leafy and green;
Bunnies share it with each other, and keep it clean.

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