Art Museum Poetry, Part 2

Children's Poetry

Here is a pegasus flying high;
Through all of the clouds up in the sky!

Here is a pink angel with curly hair;
Who floats with the butterflies up in the air!

He's a little girl whose wish is to climb a mountain;
When she drops her penny into the water fountain!

These three swans swim happily in the water;
Mommy, Daddy, and the daughter.

These four owls rest on a tree at night;
Hooting joyfully in the starlight.

This mountain island has many-a-tree;
And there is many-a-wave out in the sea.

These flowers come in pink and blue;
How many are there?; more than one and more than two!

Here are three polar bears walking in the snow;
The two babies are small now; but they will grow and grow!

This little cottage is so close, you can hop;
You'll know when you're there; for you'll see a pink rooftop!

This moon lies up in outer space;
Where there are blue and yellow stars all over the place!

This lady floats up in the air;
Swinging from a cloud like she doesn't have a care!

Here is a house where an angel named Jane
Likes to take shelter from the rain!

Here is a pretty little bouquet
Which was picked for you on a lovely spring day!

This peaceful swan swims at a calm and steady pace;
If she had lips, you could see a smile on her face!

This little pegasus flies high with the bluebirds;
They have many ways to talk; using tweets and neighs for their words.

This little squirrel runs and hides and weaves;
In a maze he created in the autumn leaves.

Here are four ducks who love to swim and waddle;
When it's warm outside, and they have time to toddle.

Sometimes when you see things that look alike; like sisters and brothers;
You can look more closely and notice they are all different from each other!

This dolphin flies so high above the ocean;
You might think that he has a magic potion!

This little girl loves nature and collects flowers in a little basket she can count in;
Then she picks the petals and drops them in the water fountain!

This picture takes place on a peaceful spring day;
When all of the wonderful blossoms are blooming in the month of May!

This man and this woman are sweethearts;
They share a hug and a kiss every morning when their day starts.

These little birdies love the rose's scent so sweet;
They joyfully flutter their wings and tweet!

This rose blossomed in shades of red, pink, and creams;
As the rain helped it grow and so did the sunbeams!

This mountain stands under the evening moon;
It's so strong; it stays tall in the morning, night, and noon!

This polar bear loves his evening stroll;
Along the snowy ground at the chilly North Pole.

This tall mountain rises so highly;
Above, where all the birdies have, on their faces, smilies!

You can create so many pretty things with a stencil;
Or you can make your own pretty pictures with a crayon or a pencil!

There is so much to see up high in space;
It is just as breathtaking as flowers in a vase!

This is a pegasus made of many-a-candle piece;
I hope that you like it, Madeleine, my niece!

This is a fuzzy butterfly rug;
Isn't the butterfly the prettiest bug?

This snowflake goes round and round;
And never, ever touches the ground!

Though this picture isn't covered by grass, flowers, or stems;
It is still pretty; it is a mountain of gems.

This white owl won't scare you; he is so wise;
He is happiest when he flies in the starry skies!

This mountain scene is made of sponge so cushy;
You can touch it and feel it is soft and squooshy!

These three braided hearts make a family;
Blue for Daddy; pink for Mommy; and white for Baby!

I hope you like very much to view;
This happy, little dolphin of blue!

This little fishy loves to swim;
He looks right at you, when you're looking at him!

Here are two birds who love to fly above the sea;
In the daytime or nighttime; as free as can be!

Here are a full moon and many-a-star;
Right before your eyes; not so very far!

I'll bet you can draw a bunny like this one; you see,
It's just as simple as counting to three!

Here is a little flower that lights up so bright;
Even in the very darkest time of night!

In a storm, they are many pretty flakes; and I know you know
How you can build a happy man with the snow!

If you look closely, you can see a heart;
Made out of candle that were taken apart!

Can you see the waterfall
Rushing down the pretty mountain; so very tall!

Sometimes, the world is too overwhelming, but that feeling ceases;
If you make it more simple by breaking it down into pieces.

To learn to draw and paint a rose, it may seem intense 'til;
You create it with your favorite stencil.

Oh, if the polar bear could stay under a rug,
He would stay so comforted, cozy, and snug!

Does this flower blossom remind you of berries?;
Strawberries, raspberries, or cherries?

This little dove flies over land and water; it doesn't cease;
Until it delivers a message of peace.

Here are many trees on the mountain so high;
And many blue pieces of a great, big sky!

Here are many symbols which I enjoy;
To turn into many pictures for girls and boys!

Here is a purple flower; and you can see
That it almost looks like a morning glory in 3-D!.

Here is a rose circled by leaves so green;
Isn't it lovely to be seen?

This little bird is made of many colors of the rainbow;
If it weren't in the dark; why, it would glow!

Here you see a butterfly of purple and white;
Which will light up a very darkened night.

The iris looks so big and puffy;
It's a purple blossom with yellow caterpillars so soft and fluffy!

Here is a very precious swan;
Who wades in the water in the pink light of dawn!

Here is a cloudy island made of cotton and crayon;
Was it made by nature, or made by a woman?

Here is a picture which I hope will please
A girl or boy who loves snowy Christmas trees!

Here is a collection of little art pieces made of clay;
Which I truly hope will brighten your day!

Here is a blossom which thrives in the rain shower;
I hope you think that it's a pretty flower!

Here you see a little waterfall
On a piece of a mountain so very small!

Here are some favorite symbols someone likes to use
In her many pictures; do you know whose?

Here is a cloudy crayon moon;
What time is it?; it is not noon!

Here's a snowy mountain painted on wood;
I hope you think my art is good.

Here's a snowy mountain made of many a flower bed;
You can touch it after these words you have read.

Oh, I hope that you will think;
That this is a pretty butterfly in pink!

Oh, beautiful child, I see you relaxing;
In a hammock outside; it's like a long swing!

I hope that you enjoyed this book, my friend;
For, now, it is coming to an end!

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