Poetry for a Word Find Puzzle Book

Children's Poetry

Find the word that sounds like "art";
You will see, it is a "heart".

Find the word that sounds like "noon";
You will see, it is the "moon".

Find the word that sounds like "car";
You will see, it is a "star".

Find the word that sounds like "hair";
You will see, it is a "square".

Find the word that sounds like "narrow";
You will see, it is an "arrow".

Find the word that sounds like "one";
You will see, it is the "sun".

Find the word that sounds like "herd";
You will see, it is a "bird".

Find the word that sounds like "bus";
It looks like a cross; it is a "plus".

Find the word that sounds like "chief";
It grows on a tree; it is a "leaf".

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