Fun with French to English

Children's Poetry

In French, when you use the word "soleil",
You may be talking about a bright and sunny day.

In French, when you say "la lune",
You are speaking about the moon.

In French, when you write "le chat",
You are writing about "the cat".

In French, you can say "l'arbre" when you're three,
And you would be saying, "the tree".

In French, when you say "la montagne grande",
You'd be talking about the big, mountainous land.

If you say you are "heureux" when you climb a tree;
You are saying, when you climb, you're happy.

In a sentence, if you say "La coeur" at the start,
You are beginning your thought with "The heart".

When you say you see "un papillon" up high,
You are saying you see "a butterfly" in the sky.

When you say you are floating "dans la mer",
You are in "the ocean", and probably have wet hair!

When you say that you see "une colombe" above,
What was it that caught you eye: a dove.

If you say you see "un lapin" when it's sunny,
You are speaking about the fact that you see "a bunny"!

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