I want to be free

I wish i  could be me

happy, alive, wanting to live and see what life has in store.

Excited, wanting, willing, open, free.


Im stuck being angry, upset, abused by the memories.

Saddness , hurt, abandonment, are my friends, they hold my hand.

As i walk down the road, they comfort me. The devil wraps me up in a blanket of hell.

He tries to burn me up, the Lord instead breaks past him and steals me again.

The back and forth is killing me, Lord please steal me forever.

Dont let him touch me again, this pain is too much to bare.


I want to be free, i want to be free, from this pain.

Please let me be free. Cut these chains from my arms and legs.

I need to be happy, I need to be myself again, this pain, is too much for me.

My soul is caving in, im not ment to be this angry, my soul is to kind for this world Lord.

Please keep me following you, and keep me happy inside my soul.

Please keep me whole.


I want to be happy, i want to be free, Devil let go of me.

I miss the old days, of walking down the street, watching the leaves fall.

The hot summer days, spent in the pool not a worry in the world, expt when school would start.

I miss the few moments that where happy childhood memories, they where few in and between.

I miss my friends, and their hugs, smiling faces. when things where simplier, when they would comfort me for a minute.

I miss the simplicity of the world back then, i miss the loyality, i miss the good ol days, i miss the times where i could be so innacent.

where now it leads to pain, hurt, and PTSD.


I wish i could go back to being me. The kind one, the nice one, but that one gets hurt too eaisly.

I have to be tough now, i have to get rough now , I have to keep the straight face on.

You dont get to hurt me anymore, i have to get real, in this world, its not safe for people like me.


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