You: a basic poem for a basic feeling

I am finding it increasingly difficult to focus
On anything else but you
Anything less than you

I yearn to make you laugh
Subtle adjustments to my sense of humour make for a custom fit
Your smile sedates my sadness
So your joy is in my best interest

Can't wait to see you
Echoes of you
Endlessly reverberate through my mind
Once you leave my sight
Causing restless nights
Insomnia since I've met you
Locked in a dreamlike state
Mindless beast mesmerized by the image of your face
Your beautiful features enhanced by the possibility of losing you
Keep me anchored to your reality

Making love to you
Pelvic connection
Big Bang
Core explosion beginning of all things
Infinite horizon
My universe has been in constant expansion
From the moment I entered you
Genetic shift
Nucleus changed
Obtained Alpha Omega status
I now understand everything

The simple logic of it all
Girl, boy
Woman, man
Vee, Double U
Even in the alphabet i come after you
It was written that I would be destined to
And I confirm it:
I love...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have been seeing a lovely lady for a few weeks now; her first initial is "V"... we went to school together a long long time ago in a galaxy far away so we've known each other for a while; but our encounters were scarce, left to chance; we decided to get to know each other and she is proving to be a very pleasant and delightful human being, a beautiful surprise; i wrote this poem for her, hopefully there will be many more, i like what she inspires...

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