Old Dream: MURDER??? July 10, 2011

I had a crazy ass dream the other night. It all started when I was walking in the woods with my friend's Katie and AJ and my Husband Jeff. We walked for hours.

Then all of a sudden we were at my apartment and someone kept banging on the door and when I looked through the peep hole I saw my fucking prick of an ex. I freaked out and yelled for him to go away but he didn't.

Then all of a sudden he busted through the door and had like 50 other assholes with him and started partying uninvited. I hate him so much in real life. Even in my dreams. He kept following me so I tried to murder him. I was doing the best I could to kill him.

Then all of a sudden I was in the woods again and I was walking and it seemed as if I had been walking for miles. I was out of breath. Then I saw this gravel white rock road that went in a semi-circle and I followed that and then collapsed. All of a sudden there were my friends cheering me on saying that I can make it to the end of the road. I stumbled in pain all the way there.

Then we just stood there and talked about who knows what. Then out of no where my friend Aj and Katie and my husband Jeff pulled up in a car and told me to get in because they were going to a bar. I argued because I hate bars and booze in general. But they all went anyways and so did I and they kept leaving me behind and the whole time I was in the bar my ex kept looking over at me and following me. I was ready to fight and cut him with a broken beer bottle but then I woke up

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