I'm awaiting to be loved by you patiently, I nearly pass out when I'm around you occasionally. You have the power to save me without a sense of slavery, intensifying my soul thankfully, yes I hurt as my time grows shorter with every breath I inhale, fantasizing about being your man i realize i may have to wait, then I will because I know my hearts demands, you can heal me, I'm an inpatient patient daydreaming graces of your essence strangling me, Growing stronger, With every tremble of the clocks hand, 1st I know I have to earn your trust. Tho I feel it near , itll be my honor to await the day I'm your man, I'm a bit insecure and only you understand, that I'm perfectly imperfect . But i can call you with my eyes and that's how I know who I am, or who I wanna be, collaboratively co existing together in a nest starting a family tree, and yet I know I'm moving fast, but the love I see in your eyes is vast. I consider this every time we pass , as I shake thinking about the past worrying about my last, so please consider this, we'll never have to be alone, someone loving you without you having to ask is what will be our gift to own and then we will feel love starting to grow

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