The Spiritual Soul

           The Spiritual Soul

When does a soul leave the body?
Before death? During death? After death?
The heartless disease so many have experienced
I believe takes the soul long before the last breath is breathed
Her soul, Her spiritual being, the loving protector as a Wife, a Mother, and a Grandmother
Her mind dewindling, returning as if to the womb, a spiritual soul of a child
The precious memories being expunged From the seed of consciousness
In its selfishness takes the soul, the being, the love, The memories of an undeniable remarkable woman
We plead, begging for just one more precious memory
Wishing time could stand still
Putting on hold the inevitable
To bid her soul farewell long before the flesh is ready to depart
We try to educate ourselves about this heartless, undefeatable disease
We fight the battle in a selfish manner to keep her soul With us as long as we can
Only to end up losing the war in the End!
So when does the soul leave the body?
Before death? During death? Or After death?

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