"Stay Black, but Please Don't be No Negro"

I use to think the sky was a limit,

till I jumped up, sure I'm in the clouds quick smirk & a smile but these are in disguised as the ceiling.
 Lord forgive me for being ignorant,
these large dark pigments a hard skin to live in; told moms bout my plans to get rich quick but those some hard blanks to fill in; 
my characteristics is more prolific . so to be specific:
I'm first to the club , for free before eight
I'm last to the class, though not a straggler, I hold the keys to my own fate , but even then; I'd wined up late for my own greatness, probably lose the opportunity to capture it .
haven't spoken to the Lord in  a cool minute, wonder if it has anything to do with "Black People Time" being so inaccurate 
my uncle tells me in he's own vernacular "You gotta stay Black thats the only base you could have derived from: your large bold features, your Godly physique" I'm just a young chap at this point my intrigue oddly increased, he then spoke  about the Black Race & how we adapted evolved & over came, I sit & think about the future & wonder if we'll make it back to grace or even if we'll last, I guess I gotta stay Black cause the  lesser of descriptive words are just Inadequate to the task. .so "Stay Black, But Please Don't Be No Negro"
Author's Notes/Comments: 

the meaning came from my uncle every time he left a place with family or friend instead of saying bye or see you later he said, stay black , but please don't be no negro..i took that as a form of endearment  to stay up stay positive stay connected stay cultural stay black and not a negro.

In other words, stay your race, but don't let the stereotype of your race define who you are. 




Winston Winski Slack

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