My face is shaped by you
Great Moon unfolds my tides
Into lonley bays I am pushed
I glint you back into the sky
And though winds howl upon my skin
Crest me high into the night
Underneath it I am strong
You are wasted in this fight
I may lash the stones you feed me
Eat ever deeply from the cliffs
But Moon is not master
Nor the winds whispering whips
Its only skin that you are taking
Not the meat in which life thrives
So your mighty pulls upon me
And your cold Antarctic knives
I let glance upon my armor
I let force me into flood
But my strength is deep within me
In my salty sea like blood
And fire from the mountains
Boils deep up from below
I cool it with my waters
I build up earthen bone
Great the valleys in my darkness
Deep the chasms of my spine
True power I would show
Down below deep in the brine