Beauty takes it alot

My heart grows weak like an agin tree, over time whethered by the world and its atrocities. Im a boy who seeks to better the world. i seek love, compassion, thoughtfulness. Signed up for the army to only be subjected to the world's crulenses. As a yearning young gentlemen, I ache to better the world any way I can. My momma, my girl, my friends said not leave! They only remind that I have a civilian life to live! OH NO! It's not for me, IT'S NOT FOR ME. Take my freedoms, my fun, what orginially lead to my atrocities. SO I CAN BE THE BOY I WANTED BE. To give the world a love that it has not come to SEE. To love a world Ethan doesn't love me. Only my soul and god can see...hobe much beauty it tormented inside of me. The views of young men with legs missing. Doc told me " it only the beginning of this hurtful sea... The waves only get rougher till July, 2013." I'll see if I make it but my boys need me. To love a world blindly. THAT IS THE BURDEN I CHOSE TO BE.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

My thoughts on becoming a combat medic and how people in my life said it was to much for me. Everyone doubts me, but I'll be damed if I don't try.

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